
Redchilliplus's Blog

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Unit testing legacy code with PowerMock and EasyMock-Part II

Mocking final class.

If you try to create mock of a final class you will get following error

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot subclass final class class com.unittest.FinalClass
	at net.sf.cglib.proxy.Enhancer.generateClass(
	at net.sf.cglib.core.DefaultGeneratorStrategy.generate(
	at net.sf.cglib.core.AbstractClassGenerator.create(
	at net.sf.cglib.proxy.Enhancer.createHelper(
	at net.sf.cglib.proxy.Enhancer.createClass(
	at org.easymock.internal.ClassProxyFactory.createProxy(
	at org.easymock.internal.MocksControl.createMock(
	at org.powermock.api.easymock.PowerMock.doCreateMock(
	at org.powermock.api.easymock.PowerMock.doMock(
	at org.powermock.api.easymock.PowerMock.createMock(
	at com.mycompany.test.UnitTestFinal.testFinalWithMock(

Final class can be easily mocked using @RunWith and @PrepareForTest.

public class UnitTestFinal {

FinalClass finalClassToBeMocked = createNiceMock(FinalClass.class); //createMock will also work.
		expect(mockedFinalClass.getLength((String)EasyMock.anyObject())).andReturn(new Integer(5));
		int length = classUsingFinal.doSomeThingWithFinalClass("kumar");
		assertEquals(5, length);

Static Import in eclipse using content assist (CTRL + spacebar (windows))

It took me a while to get content assist on static imports in eclipse. Thought it will useful…

Parallel task execution with Executor, Callable and Future in Java

Some of the real life example of parallel processing in today’s world is to call several independent web service and aggregate the response and return it to caller. One way to handle this is by creating Thread per task , store response in shared data object and aggregate response once all thread done processing and return the result.

Disadvantage with Thread (runnable) model

  • Thread creation/tear down takes system resources and time. Too many request can cause frequent thread creation and tear down.
  • Too many thread creation can cause higher memory use.
  • There is a limit on number of thread per JVM. It can be defined by
  • No life cycle management.

Disadvantage of run() and join()

  • run() returns void and does not throw checked exception.So, in case of application issues, shared data object that thread updates may contains bad data.
  • It will be not clear if thread1.join(100) returns because of successful execution  or timeout.
  • In case of multiple threads, it will be difficult to know which thread was timed out or completed unsuccessfully.

Executor framework

Java concurrency packages defines Executor framework that decouple the producer (task starter thread) from consumer (task executor thread). This is great advantage, because now we can manage Task life-cycle.

Callable and Future

Callable is interface describe a task like Runnable but it throws Exception and returns a value.
public interface Callable<V>{
      V call() throws Exception;
public interface Runnable{
      public abstract void run();
Future Interface represents the life-cycle of task and provide method to:
  • get result
  • get result with timeout feature
  • cancel the task


Let look into some code. I will make a Web Service and Database call in parallel. Both of these call takes Name of a customer and  returns all of his mailing addresses. Code will handle following alternative path.
  • Web service call should return within 2 seconds, if not system should return result from DB query.
  • DB call has timeout of 1 second and if it fails then system should stop processing web service call (if still running ).

Request and Response are two abstract classes that hold request and response from task. I am using Abstract Factory pattern to create Tasks (WS1Task and DBTask) from concrete WS1Request and DBRequest. It will make my code to keep adding new tasks without worrying about lot of code change. Task implements Callable and return Response object. DB calls and WS calls will be executed from call();

package parallel.test.message;
import parallel.test.task.Task;
public abstract class Request {
    protected int timeOutInSeconds = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
 public REQUEST_TYPE requestType;
 public enum REQUEST_TYPE {
    public int getTimeOutInSeconds() {
        return timeOutInSeconds;
    public void setTimeOutInSeconds(int timeOutInSeconds) {
        this.timeOutInSeconds = timeOutInSeconds;
 public abstract REQUEST_TYPE getRequestType();
 public abstract Task createTask();
 public abstract boolean equals(Object otherRequest);
 public abstract int hashCode();
package parallel.test.message;

import parallel.test.task.Task;
import parallel.test.task.WS1Task;

public class WS1Request extends Request {
	final REQUEST_TYPE reuquestType = REQUEST_TYPE.WS1;
	private String requestId;

    public WS1Request(String requestId){
    	this.requestId = requestId;

	public REQUEST_TYPE getRequestType() {
        return reuquestType;

    public Task createTask() {
        WS1Task task = new WS1Task();
        return task;

    public boolean equals(Object otherRequest){
        if(otherRequest == this) return true;
        if(otherRequest == null || !otherRequest.getClass().equals(this.getClass())) return false;
        String otherRequestId = (String) otherRequest;
        return otherRequestId.equals(requestId);

    public int hashCode(){
        int result = 7;
        int requestIdI = requestId.hashCode();
        result = 37 * result + requestIdI;
        return result;


package parallel.test.message;

import parallel.test.task.DBQueryTask;
import parallel.test.task.Task;

public class DBQueryRequest extends Request {
	private String requestId;

    public DBQueryRequest(String requestId){
    	this.requestId = requestId;
	public REQUEST_TYPE getRequestType() {
        return reuquestType;

    public Task createTask() {
        DBQueryTask task = new DBQueryTask();
        return task;

    public boolean equals(Object otherRequest){
        if(otherRequest == this) return true;
        if(otherRequest == null || !otherRequest.getClass().equals(this.getClass())) return false;
        String otherRequestId = (String) otherRequest;
        return otherRequestId.equals(requestId);

    public int hashCode(){
        int result = 7;
        int requestIdI = requestId.hashCode();
        result = 37 * result + requestIdI;
        return result;


package parallel.test.message;

public abstract class Response {

	public RESPONSE_TYPE responseType;
    protected Exception exception;

	public enum RESPONSE_TYPE {

    public void setRequestType(){

    public abstract RESPONSE_TYPE getResponseType();

    public Exception getException(){
        return exception;

    public void setException(Exception e){
        this.exception = e;

package parallel.test.message;

import java.util.List;

public class WS1Response extends Response {
    private List allAddresses;

    public RESPONSE_TYPE getResponseType(){
        return RESPONSE_TYPE.WS1;

    public List getAllAddresses() {
		return allAddresses;

	public void setAllAddresses(List allAddresses) {
		this.allAddresses = allAddresses;

package parallel.test.message;

import java.util.List;

public class DBQueryResponse extends Response {
    private List allAddresses;

    public RESPONSE_TYPE getResponseType(){

    public List getAllAddresses() {
		return allAddresses;

	public void setAllAddresses(List allAddresses) {
		this.allAddresses = allAddresses;

package parallel.test.message;

public class FaultResponse extends Response{

    public FaultResponse(){}

	public FaultResponse(Exception s){
    	this.exception = s;
	public RESPONSE_TYPE getResponseType(){
        return RESPONSE_TYPE.FAULT;
package parallel.test.task;

import java.util.concurrent.Callable;

import parallel.test.message.Request;
import parallel.test.message.Response;

public abstract class Task implements Callable {

    public abstract void setConectionParam(String connUrl, String userName, String password) ;

    public abstract void setRequest(Request request);

    public abstract Request getRequest();

    public abstract Response call() throws Exception;

package parallel.test.task;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import parallel.test.message.Request;
import parallel.test.message.Response;
import parallel.test.message.WS1Request;
import parallel.test.message.WS1Response;

public class WS1Task extends Task {

	private WS1Request request;
    private String endPointUrl;
    private String user;
    private String pass;

    public void setConectionParam(String endPointURL, String user, String pass) {
        this.endPointUrl = endPointURL;
        this.user = user;
        this.pass = pass;

    public void setRequest(Request request) {
        this.request = (WS1Request) request;

    public Request getRequest() {
        return request;

    public Response call() throws TaskExecutionException{
        WS1Response response = new WS1Response();
            //call web service
            //get response
        	//fake response for now
        	List all = new ArrayList();
        	all.add("1234 Main St, Oakland CA 433322");
        	all.add("1234 Wasington Anv, San Francisco CA 33333");
        	return response;
        }catch(Exception e){
            TaskExecutionException taskExecutionException = new TaskExecutionException(e.getMessage());
            throw taskExecutionException;

package parallel.test.task;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import parallel.test.message.DBQueryRequest;
import parallel.test.message.DBQueryResponse;
import parallel.test.message.Request;
import parallel.test.message.Response;

public class DBQueryTask extends Task {

	private DBQueryRequest request;
    private String dbUrl;
    private String user;
    private String pass;

    public void setConectionParam(String dbURL, String user, String pass) {
        this.dbUrl = dbURL;
        this.user = user;
        this.pass = pass;

    public void setRequest(Request request) {
        this.request = (DBQueryRequest) request;

    public Request getRequest() {
        return request;

    public Response call() throws TaskExecutionException{
        DBQueryResponse response = new DBQueryResponse();
            //call DB
            //get response
        	//fake response for now
         List all = new ArrayList();
        	all.add("1234 Main St, Oakland CA 433322");
        	all.add("1234 Wasington Anv, San Francisco CA 33333");
        	all.add("8765 NotA Ave, City QQ 77777");
         return response;
        }catch(Exception e){
            TaskExecutionException taskExecutionException = new TaskExecutionException(e.getMessage());
            throw taskExecutionException;
package parallel.test.task;

public class TaskExecutionException extends Exception{

	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

	public TaskExecutionException(){}

    public TaskExecutionException(String message){

    public TaskExecutionException(String message, Throwable throwable){

    public TaskExecutionException(Throwable throwable){


TaskManager is main class that manages the workflow. It creates ThreadPoolExecutors for WebService and DBQuery calls. submit method in ThreadPoolExcutor takes Callable as parameter and returns Future representing pending result of the task. We can use the Future to cancel tasks if we need.


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.PriorityBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;

import parallel.test.message.FaultResponse;
import parallel.test.message.Request;
import parallel.test.message.Response;
import parallel.test.pool.WSThreadFactory;
import parallel.test.pool.WSThreadPoolExecutor;
import parallel.test.task.Task;

public class TaskManager {

	private static ThreadPoolExecutor webServiceExecutor;
	private static ThreadPoolExecutor dbExecutor;
    private static int CORE_POOL_SIZE         = 10;
    private static int MAX_POOL_SIZE          = 15;
    private static int KEEP_ALIVE_TIME        = 10;
    private static int BLOCKING_QUEUE_CPACITY = 10;

	void init() {
		webServiceExecutor = new WSThreadPoolExecutor(CORE_POOL_SIZE,MAX_POOL_SIZE,KEEP_ALIVE_TIME, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new PriorityBlockingQueue(BLOCKING_QUEUE_CPACITY), new WSThreadFactory("WSThreadPool"));
		dbExecutor =  new WSThreadPoolExecutor(CORE_POOL_SIZE,MAX_POOL_SIZE,KEEP_ALIVE_TIME, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new PriorityBlockingQueue(BLOCKING_QUEUE_CPACITY), new WSThreadFactory("DBThreadPool"));

    public Map processRequest(List requests) {
        if(requests == null || requests.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("request is null or empty.");
        Iterator itr = requests.iterator();
        List taskList = new ArrayList();
            Request request =;
            Task task = request.createTask();
        TaskManager parallelTaskManager = new TaskManager();
        return parallelTaskManager.processInParallel(taskList);

	Map processInParallel(List listOfTask) {
		Iterator taskItr = listOfTask.iterator();
		Map returnMap = Collections
				.synchronizedMap(new HashMap());
		Map responseMap = new HashMap();
		while (taskItr.hasNext()) {
			Task task =;
			Request req = task.getRequest();
			Request.REQUEST_TYPE rtype = req.getRequestType();
			ThreadPoolExecutor threadPoolExecutor = getExecutor(rtype);
			if (threadPoolExecutor == null)
				throw new RuntimeException(
						"Could not get proper ThreadPoolExecutor, aborting the tasks..");
//submit(task) will return Future			
returnMap.put(req, threadPoolExecutor.submit(task));
		Request request;
		Future response;
		List requestListRequests = new ArrayList(
		for (Request request1 : requestListRequests) {
			request = request1;
			response = returnMap.get(request);
			try {
//get with timeout on Future				
responseMap.put(request, response.get(
						request.getTimeOutInSeconds(), TimeUnit.SECONDS));
			} catch (TimeoutException e) {
				createFault(responseMap, request, e);
			} catch (ExecutionException e) {
				createFault(responseMap, request, e);
			} catch (InterruptedException e) {
				createFault(responseMap, request, e);
			} catch (CancellationException e) {
				createFault(responseMap, request, e);
//cancel all other task if one fails (optional) 				
for (Request req : requestListRequests) {

			} finally {
		return responseMap;

	private void createFault(Map responseMap,
			Request request, Exception e) {
		FaultResponse faultResponse = new FaultResponse();
		responseMap.put(request, faultResponse);
	private ThreadPoolExecutor getExecutor(Request.REQUEST_TYPE requestType) {
		switch (requestType) {
			return dbExecutor;
		case WS1:
			return webServiceExecutor;
		case WS2:
			return dbExecutor;
		case DB_UPDATE:
			return dbExecutor;
		return null;

package parallel.test.pool;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
public class WSThread extends Thread{

    public static final String NAME = "WSThread";
    private static final AtomicInteger created = new AtomicInteger();

    public WSThread(Runnable r, String name){

    public void run(){;

package parallel.test.pool;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
public class WSThreadFactory implements ThreadFactory {
    private final String poolName;

    public WSThreadFactory(String poolName){
        this.poolName = poolName;

    public Thread newThread(Runnable r) {
        return new WSThread(r,poolName);
package parallel.test.pool;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;

public class WSThreadPoolExecutor extends ThreadPoolExecutor {

    private final ThreadLocal startTime = new ThreadLocal();
    private final AtomicLong totalTime = new AtomicLong();
    private final AtomicLong numberOfTasks = new AtomicLong();

    public WSThreadPoolExecutor(int corePoolSize, int maximumPoolSize, long keepAliveTime, TimeUnit unit, BlockingQueue workQueue) {
        super(corePoolSize, maximumPoolSize, keepAliveTime, unit, workQueue);
    public WSThreadPoolExecutor(int corePoolSize, int maximumPoolSize, long keepAliveTime, TimeUnit unit, BlockingQueue workQueue, ThreadFactory threadFactory) {
        super(corePoolSize, maximumPoolSize, keepAliveTime, unit, workQueue, threadFactory);
    public WSThreadPoolExecutor(int corePoolSize, int maximumPoolSize, long keepAliveTime, TimeUnit unit, BlockingQueue workQueue, RejectedExecutionHandler handler) {
        super(corePoolSize, maximumPoolSize, keepAliveTime, unit, workQueue, handler);
    public WSThreadPoolExecutor(int corePoolSize, int maximumPoolSize, long keepAliveTime, TimeUnit unit, BlockingQueue workQueue, ThreadFactory threadFactory, RejectedExecutionHandler handler) {
        super(corePoolSize, maximumPoolSize, keepAliveTime, unit, workQueue, threadFactory, handler);
        System.out.println("WSThreadPoolExecutor init....");


    protected void beforeExecute(Thread t, Runnable r){
        System.out.println("Thread :"+t+" start "+r);

    protected void afterExecution(Runnable r, Throwable t){
            long endTime = System.nanoTime();
            long taskTime = endTime - startTime.get();
            System.out.println("Thread :"+t+" end "+r+" , total time taken="+taskTime);


    protected void terminated(){
        	System.out.println("Terminated: average time="+(totalTime.get()/numberOfTasks.get()));

Limitation of Task parallelism

Executing tasks in parallel is advantage if all tasks are independent and execution time are similar for individual tasks.
If one of the task takes too long to execute compare to other. we will not get significant performance improvements by trying to parallelize.

Reference : Java Concurrency in Practice.

Unit testing legacy code with PowerMock and EasyMock-Part I

“Most of the code is already written, we just need to add/enhance new feature”. Sounds familiar, Adding new features or fixing bug requires modifying legacy code. In my opinion, any code that does not have unit test is Legacy code. So code written last week without unit test is legacy code.
Some of “old” legacy code is very difficult to unit test because they have “rich” methods; I call methods having too many external dependency “rich” methods. In reality these methods need refactoring to extract utility like:

  • reading config file.
  • read DB and update DB
  • create a file
  • call a shell script to FTP file
  • update DB

Refactoring requires code change that comes with some risk that might not go well with Management and Users.
I have identified following artifacts during my experience with legacy code that might come handy while writing unit test for legacy code.

MOCKING “private methods” INVOCATION.

You can create Partial mock for class under test and set expectation for any methods that you may want to skip from unit test. Yes, any method including “private methods”

public void testLegacyMethod(){

ClassUnderTest classUnderTest = createPartialMock(ClassUnderTest.class, "privateMethodTakeStringAndReturnVoid", "privateMethodReturnObject");
//private method returning void
try {
PowerMock.expectPrivate(classUnderTest , "privateMethodTakeStringAndReturnVoid",(String)anyObject())anyTimes();
} catch (Exception e) {
//private method returning Object
		try {
			PowerMock.expectPrivate(classUnderTest, "privateMethodReturnObject",(String)anyObject(),(StringBuffer)anyObject()).andReturn(new Object()).anyTimes();
		} catch (Exception e) {

// calling real method, this method is under test.

VALIDATING “parameters passed” TO MOCK OBJECT’s METHOD (ex: DB operation).

Validating data passed to method on mock object is good idea with legacy code where functional or automation testing might not be present to check data validation on each parameter.

public void testParameterValidation(){
MyClassUnderTest test = new MyClassUnterTest();
try {
DataAccessInterface mockDA = createMock(DataAccesslnterface.class);
//set instance variable (no public setter in legacy code) 
Whitebox.setInternalState(test ,"dataAccess", mockDA);
//we can validate data passed to createOrder() using ".andDelegateTo"
expectLastCall().andDelegateTo(new DataAccessValidations());

//lets test now, buy() will construct order object and call createOrder on DataAccessInterface.;
}catch(Execption e){}

Implement validation code in DataAccessValidations.

public class DataAccessValidations implements DataAccessInterface{

public void createOrder(Order order)  {
assertNotNull("'order' can not be null.",order);
assertNotNull("'order date' should not be null.",orde.getDate());
//other assertion can go here..


You can see many static initializations in legacy code mostly to initialize resources needed for the class. (ex: Config files, DBConnection, Files etc). Refactoring code to use dependency injection could be good idea but we can still test this code by suppressing the static method or initialization.

import org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.SuppressStaticInitializationFor;
import org.powermock.modules.junit4.PowerMockRunner;
import org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest;

//This will stop all static initilization.

public class MyUnitTest{

public void myTest(){
//use Whitebox to assign mocked object to static variables.

Mocking a singleton with EasyMock and PowerMock

Like it or not, you will find your class using some legacy singleton code. Problem begins when you try to unit test your class. Lets dive into some example and see how to write unit test for such a class. is typical singleton implementation. Our new class is using Singleton.

import java.util.Properties;

public class Singleton {

	private static final Singleton instance = new Singleton();
	private String hostName;
	private String port;

	private Singleton(){
		}catch(Exception e){

	public static Singleton getInstance(){
		return instance;

	private void readProperties(String fileName) throws Exception{
		File file = new File(fileName);
                Properties pro = new Properties();
	        FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(file);
	        hostName = pro.getProperty("hostname");
	        port = pro.getProperty("port");

	public String getHostName() {
		return hostName;

	public String getPort() {
		return port;


Lets assume that the is user for the Singleton.

import java.util.List;

import com.mycompany.dao.DaoService;

public class ClassUsingSingleton {

	private Singleton singleton = Singleton.getInstance();
	private DaoService daoService;

	public ClassUsingSingleton(DaoService daoService) {
		this.daoService = daoService;

	public List<string> getHostLocationFromDB() throws Exception {
		return daoService.getHostLocationFromDB(singleton.getHostName());

	public void updateHostLocation(String hostname, String location)
			throws Exception {


If you try to run following Junit test, it will throw exception because Singleton will try to load file from some relative path which is not available in your unit test.

import static org.easymock.EasyMock.expect;
import static org.powermock.api.easymock.PowerMock.createMock;
import junit.framework.Assert;
import org.easymock.EasyMock;
import org.junit.Test;

import com.mycompany.dao.DaoService;

public class ClassUsingSingletonUnitTest {
         //will throw IOException and test will fail.
	public void testGetHostLocationFromDBForSuccess(){
		//create mock for data access
		DaoService mockService = createMock(DaoService.class);
                 try {
					mockService.getHostLocationFromDB((String) EasyMock
							.anyObject())).andReturn(new ArrayList<string>());
			ClassUsingSingleton classUsingSingleton = new ClassUsingSingleton(
		} catch (Exception e) {"Unexpected Exception");

Problem here is Singleton because it is trying to load properties from a defined location, in real world it may be getting database connection, JMS connection or having remote reference of an EJB. With all these kind of initialization in private constructor, we can not unit test singleton with simply using mock object.

To unit test, we want:

  • Not to invoke private constructor of and
  • initialize singleton object in with our own mock

Here comes powermock. to the rescue.

	public void testGetHostLocationFromDBForSuccess(){
	/*************mocking singleton******************/
        //Tell powermock to not to invoke constructor
        //import import static org.powermock.api.easymock.PowerMock.suppressConstructor;
        //mock static
        //create mock for Singleton
        Singleton mockSingleton = createMock(Singleton.class);
        //set expectation for getInstance()
	//set expectation for getHostName()
               //create mock for data access
		DaoService mockService = createMock(DaoService.class);
                 try {
					mockService.getHostLocationFromDB((String) EasyMock
							.anyObject())).andReturn(new ArrayList<string>());
			ClassUsingSingleton classUsingSingleton = new ClassUsingSingleton(
		} catch (Exception e) {"Unexpected Exception");

Why to avoid singleton?

Following are some of many reasons for it.

  • It promotes tight coupling between classes, class know where to get instance. Any changes in the singleton may break the class that is using it.
  • Singleton does not help with backward compatibility without changing client code. Unit testing is very difficult, it may start breaking in client code if you enhance singleton implementation.

Alternative…Dependency Injection

Program to an interface, not to an implementation. If we follow this GOF advice, we will be able to create well testable and decoupled code.

We can put property loading, resource initialization, service location functionality in application initialization and pass the reference to the application code in constructor.

EJB3 has added Application Startup and Shutdown callbacks. If you are using EJB2.1 you can still initialize in Servlet and push the dependency object in JNDI.

public class ClassUsingDI {
    IServiceLocator serviceLocator;
    public ClassUsingDI (IServiceLocator serviceLocator) {
        this.serviceLocator = serviceLocator;
    public void myBusinessMethod(){

Winter 2010: Lake Tahoe

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